Saturday, June 15, 2013

Lincoln' Inn Chapel

Lincoln's Inn Chapel

We went to the Lincoln's Inn Chapel today,  which was so beautiful. The architecture of the building was outstanding. I learned that the public sits in what is called the nave and the chancel is where the power sits. The chancel contains a high altar and after 1520 there was much less emphasis on what happens on the altar. It was believed that individuals needed to learn about religion in their local language. 

There are also two different masses: the mass of the catechumens and the mass of the faithful.  When the host and wine is being prepared the people who have not been baptized must leave. 

There are numerous arches in this chapel which I loved because that has been my favorite part of architecture so far.  The medieval arches are slightly pointed at the top which make them beautiful.  I really enjoyed going to the Chapel of Lincoln's Inn Fields. Afterwards, we went over the Millennium Bridge to see the Globe Theatre.  I had been looking forward to seeing this theatre forever and I was not disappointed. It was better than I imagined. Seeing Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's  Dream"  was a perfect way to end this day. 

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